abdul malik fareed portfolio

Abdul Malik Fareed

I'm Video Creator
I Make Travel & Food Videos to Convoy Positive Messages in Entertaining Way.


abdul malik fareed portfolio


Abdul Malik Fareed (عبدالمالک فرید) is a Famous Pakistani & Saudi Arabia Youtuber, who was born on Wednesday, Jan 01, 1992 in Punjab, Pakistan. Abdul Malik Fareed portfolio is primarily famous for his food, travel, and informative videos and v-logs over YouTube and Facebook.

He is also a certified fitness coach, earning it from International Sports Science Association (ISSA), along with establishing himself as a professional digital creator and YouTuber.


abdul malik fareed portfolio


Abdul Malik Fareed (Urdu:عبدالمالک فرید ,born 1st January 1992) is a digital creator and YouTuber of Pakistani origin, residing in Saudi Arabia. Abdul Malik Fareed portfolio is primarily famous for his food, travel, and informative videos and v-logs over YouTube and Facebook.
He is also a certified fitness coach, earning it from International Sports Science Association (ISSA), along with establishing himself as a professional digital creator and YouTuber.


Abdul Malik Fareed (عبدالمالک فرید) is a digital creator and YouTuber of Pakistani origin, residing in Saudi Arabia
370 k
Instagram followers
I realised that I’m not a influencer. I am influenced by The Great Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
2.15 M
Youtube Subscribers
Subscribe Me☝️If You Are Interested in Travel, Food Adventure & Historical Places Videos Let’s Meet in the video
2.11 M
Facebook followers
I Make Travel & Food Videos to Convey Positive Messages in Entertaining Way.

Youtube Statistics

Fareed has 2.36M subscriber’s rank and 145th country rank (Pakistan). Currently, he has uploaded 226 videos with total views of 100+ M, with an average views score of 550+ K. His subscriber history data has been showing constant positive growth over time. He hit the 500k milestone on 15th February 2021, 600k milestone on 19th April 2021, 800k milestone on 16th July 2021, and 1 million milestone on 11th December 2021. His most viewed video on YouTube is “Making Full Goat MANDI in Arab Village & Trying Camel Milk with Saudi Hospitality Arab Coffee KSA” uploaded on 14th February 2022, with multiple other videos crossing the 1 million views mark.

Youtube Statistics

With around 1.53 million followers, Fareed has 1,364th subscriber’s rank and 145th country rank (Pakistan). Currently, he has uploaded 226 videos with total views of 100.57M, with an average views score of 568.95K. His subscriber history data has been showing constant positive growth over time. He hit the 500k milestone on 15th February 2021, 600k milestone on 19th April 2021, 800k milestone on 16th July 2021, and 1 million milestone on 11th December 2021. His most viewed video on YouTube is “Making Full Goat MANDI in Arab Village & Trying Camel Milk with Saudi Hospitality Arab Coffee KSA” uploaded on 14th February 2022, with multiple other videos crossing the 1 million views mark.

Facebook Statistics

Fareed has an active page on Facebook under his name. He has 4.6 million followers along with 749K of total likes. Fareed states on his Facebook page:
” I make Travel & Food Videos to Convoy Positive Msgs in Entertaining way.”
Along with travel, food and awareness videos, his live videos featuring the Future Mall of Dubai, live ziyaarat (pious visit) from Taif, Mecca, Medina climbing of Ghar-e-soor, Mosques such as Masjid e jinn and Jannatul Mala, Ghar-e-Hira, city tours, and many historically important places and artefacts are quite popular.

Facebook Statistics

Fareed has an active page on Facebook under his name. He has 3.42 million followers along with 0.5 million of total likes. Fareed states on his Facebook page: ” I make Travel & Food Videos to Convoy Positive Msgs in Entertaining way.” Along with travel, food and awareness videos, his live videos featuring the Future Mall of Dubai, live ziyaarat (pious visit) from Taif, Mecca, Medina climbing of Ghar-e-soor, Mosques such as Masjid e jinn and Jannatul Mala, Ghar-e-Hira, city tours, and many historically important places and artefacts are quite popular.

Instagram Statistics

Abdul Malik Fareed( عبدالمالک فرید ) is an active user of Instagram. Fareed is currently followed by 412K people while he is following 56 people. He has a total number of 161 posts that include shots from his videos and vlogs that are mainly posted on his YouTube and Facebook pages. His instagram page features 1 video and 12 reels. Fareed made his first Instagram post on March 27, 2020. He does not identify himself as an influencer but being influenced by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Instagram Statistics

Abdul Malik Fareed( عبدالمالک فرید ) is an active user of Instagram. Fareed is currently followed by 106 thousand (0.106 million) people while he is following 21 people. He has a total number of 41 posts that include shots from his videos and vlogs that are mainly posted on his YouTube and Facebook pages. His instagram page features 1 video and 12 reels. Fareed made his first Instagram post on March 27, 2020. He does not identify himself as an influencer but being influenced by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Abdul Malik Fareed Biography

Date of Birth
Wednesday, Jan 01, 1992
Birth Place
Punjab, Pakistan
Saudi Arabia
Pakistani & Saudi Arabia


abdul malik fareed saudi Arabia
Abdul malik fareed in Madina
Abdul Malik Fareed has shown many Ziyarat places in Makkah

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